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Zimbabwe’s United Family International Church – UFIC is one of the most famous and religious movements which rose to fame in the 21st Century. The church was founded by Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa and his wife Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa.
The Church boasts of thousands of followers in Zimbabwe and has its largest following in the capital city Harare although it has a considerable following in other small towns.
Besides having established a number of churches in Zimbabwe, UFIC has also established branches beyond the borders in countries like Zambia, Botswana and South Africa.
UFI Ministries
Over the Centuries, theologians and intellectuals have argued over the issue of the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus Christ; the reason being that the empty tomb is not enough evidence but there is evidence that has proven to be far more authentic than the empty tomb in Israel. A movement that is clear confirmation that Jesus is alive; a movement that is evidence of supernatural birth, growth and establishment, a movement that has transformed and positively impacted millions of lives – the United Family International Ministries.
Some say He is a Prophet, some say He is a myth, some say He never existed but far from all these, we don’t just say – we have a personal experience with Him. His Love is what binds us together, His blood is what saved us from darkness and translated us into the marvellous light of God, giving us the right to be joint heirs with Him and to be called the Children of God. His presence and the manifestation of His power is what gives us a personal conviction, and continuously remind us that He lives and He loves us.
Through the heartfelt and love-filled ministration of our Father and Mother, Emmanuel and Ruth Makandiwa, we have seen His hand, we have felt His Love and witnessed unfathomable and mind-blowing manifestations of His transformative and unconquerable Power, and we are covered by His grace. We know Him, we Love Him and as the United Family International Church, we are a proper extension of His Body – JESUS CHRIST.
Breaking New Grounds
True wisdom and knowledge comes from God and as His children, we are bound for greatness and as such, outstanding excellence is our trademark. We Lead By Example.
Enacting A Revolution
The bible-based and practical teachings from our Visionaries, the great servants of God; Emmanuel and Ruth Makandiwa, are wisdom-filled and God-inspired which challenge every believer into exploring new ways of creative thinking in pursuit of their God-given purpose in life. Strongly-rooted in Biblical and God-inspired principles, our gatherings allow every person to be imparted with knowledge and information, relevant to every 21st Century Believer, that can give them insight and a sharp acumen in fulfilling their goals, dream and aspirations, also unlocking the hidden God-given potential in them.
Giving Back To The Community
As part of our mission to Build A God Society For All People And All Nations and Reaching Out To The Lost, The Broken-hearted And The Less Privileged, we engage in transformational projects and charity works for our communities, those in dire need and the less privileged; allowing the Love of God to flow through us to the world.
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bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: – Churches News Portal