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Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie is a man of God whose ministry has brought the divine presence into the hearts of many all over the world.
He is a firebrand prophet and an apostle with deep insight into the plans and purposes of God for this generation.
He is a man sent by God and approved with miracles, signs and wonders. He has made himself available in massive ways for the body of Christ in these end times.
God has used him tremendously in the prophetic office for deliverances and ministration of the Word.
Prophet Nanasei’s untamed passion for revival is evidenced by the consistent weekly prayer & all night sessions he has championed in Ghana for over 17 years.
Through his faith-powered messages, he is continuously shaping the destinies of millions across continents and causing them to live the victorious Christian Life.
His Vision is to bring hope to the hopeless and empower the Body of Christ in the walk of faith and holiness.
Prophet Nanasei’s passion extends to the younger generation who he believes are God’s sweethearts and must be guided in their walk with Jesus Christ, lest they fall by the wayside.
Through the Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie Ministries (NOSM), an outreach ministry, he sends the message of salvation to thousands of students in various tertiary institutions.
Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie Ministry
He is a prolific writer and has authored various books on fasting, faith, healing and deliverance from the clutches of the enemy.
He is the Founder and General overseer of the Praying Family Chapel and the World Prayer Centre (a non-denominational prayer commission).
He is also the President of Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie Ministries and the Potter’s City located in Miotso-Prampram, Ghana.
Lady Ivy Opoku-Sarkodie (Wife)
Lady Ivy Opoku-Sarkodie was trained as a Banker and has been involved in kingdom building all her adult life.
She serves as an Executive Director of Nanasei Opoku–Sarkodie Ministries , CEO of Paradise Bookshop and Co- Founder and Executive Director of World Prayer Centre a non-denominational kingdom oriented COMMISSION dedicated to the building up of the body of Christ worldwide through prophetic prayers, PRACTICAL family life and the teaching of the word of GOD.
Potters City Location And Contacts:
PL 16. Miotso Rd. Prampram
Greater Accra, Ghana
+233 (0) 274009933
+233 (0) 242472655
+233 (0) 505286112
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bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: – Churches News Portal