Rev. Isaac Osei-Bonsu
Rev. Isaac Osei-Bonsu
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Rev OB as many call him is a servant of God, a man of Prayer, a father of five, a good husband and the founder of Moments Of Glory Prayer Army. He was born in Kumasi and had his secondary education in Prempeh College Ghana. He then pursued Christian Ministry in Vision University College, degree in Theology from the North Western Christian University, Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from Convent Theological Seminary and a Diploma in Biblical Studies from International School of Ministry all in the USA.

He was a minister in a Ministry in Kumasi after all his education and a call to Christianity at an early age until God called him to MOGPA

He was born in Kumasi and had his secondary education in Prempeh College Ghana. He then pursued Christian Ministry in Vision University College, degree in Theology from the North Western Christian University, Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from Convent Theological Seminary and a Diploma in Biblical Studies from International School of Ministry all in the USA

He called this group Moment of Glory because glory is the full manifestation of the full nature of God and an Army because He knows this is the time where Christians should be raised to realise who they are in Christ and fight for what is rightfully theirs. Like the bible say in Matthew 11 verse 12 ‘’ from the time of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violence taketh it by force’’.

He also believe that Christians should be able to do things on their own and not rely on any man as the bible says in Psalm 144 verse 1 that ‘’blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight’’. It is his prayer that Christians will rise up to that.
It is also his greatest passion that the needy and the less fortunate in the society will be helped. He always says MOGPA has come to give to our generation and not to take from it which is the greatest secret of MOGPA’s success

“Avoid bad counsel for it will affect your decision and affect your life. Do not compromise with your uprightness for that is the sure way of losing God’s blessings. Determine to pay the price of Righteousness for it is Worth it. Determine to give God in all your endeavors. Never comprise your integrity – REV OB”


Source: – Ghana Churches News Portal

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