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The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) worldwide began 50 years ago in 1967, and the Lord, in His appointed time, brought this spiritual renewal to Ghana in 1970, just three (3) years later.
As the Renewal in Ghana spread across the country, a formal coordination became necessary. As a result, with the Ghana Bishops’ Conference approval, Rev. Fr. Ernst Sievers began the formal national coordination and saw to the development and approval of the first prayer group guidelines in 1981.
In 1882, a team from the Caribbean Islands, led by Fr. Michael Kosak, was invited to run the Life in the Spirit Seminars (LSS) and to train leaders. Upon their advice, a leadership structure, namely, National Service Team (NST), Diocesan Service Teams (DSTs) & Local Service Teams (LSTs) were put in place to ensure effective coordination from the local to the national level.
In 1984, when Fr. Sievers had to relocate to Germany, the late Msgr. Songlindong was appointed by the Ghana Bishops’ Conference to take over the national coordination from Fr. Sievers. Both Fr. Sievers & the Late Msgr. Songlindong operated on part-time basis from the Centre for Spiritual Renewal in Kumasi and the Wanye Renewal Centre in Wa respectively.
In 1990, the late Msgr. Songlindong, in collaboration with the NST, made proposals to the Ghana Bishops’ Conference for the appointment of a Full-time Lay National Coordinator and National Chaplain. This proposal was approved by the Conference in 1991, and Mr. Anthony Osei Assibey and Rev. Fr. Richard Kyeremeh respectively served as Full Time Lay National Coordinator and National Chaplain. In the same year, a request for a land to build a National Office for the Renewal was granted by Archbishop Kwasi Sarpong, now Emeritus, at the Christian Village, Santasi, Kumasi. Nana, may the Good Lord richly bless you.
As the Renewal prepared in 1992 to have a Centre, a house named ‘Adom Fie,’ (House of Grace) at Adiembra in Kumasi, was hired to serve as the National Office. The name, ‘Adom Fie,’ was then adopted and has ever since been associated with and kept for the National CCR-Centre. We testify that the name ‘Adom’ (Grace), has been divine, and has contributed in diverse ways to bring the Centre this far. Amen!
Launching & Foundation
In response to the ‘Decade of Evangelisation,’ (1990 – 2000) declared by St. Pope John Paul II, the NST, during CCR National Congress in 1995 at Christ the King Cathedral in Sunyani, launched its vision to build a Formation & Service Centre to train leaders & disciples for renewal & evangelisation.
Subsequently, Mr. Poku Awuah (an Architect) and Mr. Ofori Sarpong (a Structural Engineer), both members of the CCR, who freely offered their professional services, were engaged by the NST to design and see to the building project. They were also tasked to ensure that the Upper Room concept, as in the Acts of the Apostles, has a bearing on the design.
To kick start the project, Msgr. Michael Kosak from the Caribbean Islands, who was also a guest speaker at the Congress in Sunyani, donated 1,000.00 USD as seed money, and the foundation stone was laid on 1st November, 1995.
All other initial funding was provided by contributions from the prayer groups and local friends and partners who share in the ministry of the Centre. Upon realizing the huge financial resource needed to complete the project, and the limited local resources, the building was termed to be a “Faith Project,” and was then committed to ceaseless prayer and God’s providence. Thus, we responded to Christ’s invitation to a devoted trust in the providence of our heavenly Father (cf. Mt 6:26-34), and St. Peter the Apostle’s that we “Cast all [our] anxieties on him, for He cares about [us]” (1Peter 5:7; cf. Psalm 55:23).
In the Jubilee year 2000, God’s providence saw to the completion of the Administration section of the building project, and the National Office has since operated from there.
The remaining section which has taken over 20 years to complete includes:
A 4 floored story building with 30 private rooms, halls and store rooms.
Dormitory rooms which altogether houses 100 people
A Multi-purpose Hall
A Kitchen and a dining hall.
Apartments for few Staff Members
It is worth mentioning the main and key financiers and players whom the Lord has used to build and complete the project:
Rev. Fr. Ernst Sievers
Fr. Francis Donnelly and Companions of the Cross, Canada
Mr. Brent Haizer and Renewal Ministries, USA
Mr. Neal Lozano and Heart of the Father’s Ministries, USA
Mr. Arthur Demoulas, Thee Mustard Seed Foundation (MSF)
And of course, donations from our cherished Friends & Partners and local DSTs
Names/Dedication of Floors & Halls

As per the vision, mission and core values of the Centre, and taking into consideration the contributions of major financiers and stakeholders of the Centre, the following names have been given to the various floors and halls: CLICK HERE FOR ADOM FIE RAIDO
- Holy Spirit Chapel
- Archbishop Sarpong Multi-Purpose Hall
- Caribbean Hall
- Thee Mustard Seed Foundation Floor
- Heart of the Father Ministries Hall
- Companions of the Cross Floor
- Renewal Ministries Hall
- Volunteers Friends & Partners Floor
- Directors’ Hall
- Pioneers, Elders & Missionaries Floor
- Chaplains Hall
- New Pentecost Floor
- Mary’s Statue; Icon of Grace
Family & Community support
“Gather before me my people who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice” (Psalm 50:5)
The Kingdom of God advances through loving committed relationship. Our history will not be complete without acknowledging the sacrifices and contributions in diverse ways of the following:
- family members of our committed and dedicated staff
- Centre for Spiritual Renewal and Pastoral & Catechetical Centre of Kumasi Catholic Archdiocese at the Christian Village
- CCR Community members at Adom Fie, and
- The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Leadership in General.
Present Situation
As the Renewal in Ghana celebrated its 40th Anniversary in 2010, a national leaders’ consultative forum comprising about 40 leaders from all the 20 dioceses and Tertiary Institutions in Ghana was held to evaluate the impact of the CCR in Ghana, as well as th e National Office, and also make proposals for the next decade, that is 2010 – 2020.
Out of this consultative forum, and since as of this time Catholic dioceses in Ghana had grown from ten (10) to twenty (20), Provincial Coordinators and Provincial Service Teams structures were introduced to allow effective coordination, and the status of the National Coordinator was changed to Director. National decade goals were drawn (2010 – 2020), and the various dioceses were urged to adapt them to suit their local situation. Guidelines, called ‘Adom Fie Strategic & Operational guidelines’ (AFSOG) were also drawn to guide the operations of Adom Fie.
At present, the Centre operates with the following seven (7) main Departments with Offices and Units:
Coordination, Administration & Finance
Formation & Missions
Ministries & Ministration
Youth & Volunteers
Community & Social life
Adom Media and Technical Services
Hospitality Services
In all, the Centre works with eighteen (18) full-time staff, five (5) part-time staff and 20 volunteers. These different groups play very key roles in the ministry of the Centre.
By God’s grace, and through the help of the Holy Spirit, since 2010, about 2000 leaders and members, including priests and major seminarians, yearly benefit from various programmes run at the Centre.
“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6)
The Lord promised to complete His house, and indeed, in His divine appointed time, He has worked marvels in our sight. Our greatest appreciation therefore goes to the Lord Almighty, whose great and mighty hand has worked out miracles for us in leading us to His chosen servants who has contributed greatly in completing the “Faith Project.”
“Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” (Ps 50:5)
As we thank the Lord Almighty, we continue to also show our heartfelt appreciation to Thee Mustard Seed Foundation, and all the named and unnamed contributors of this Faith Project. With their support and great financial resources, we sing a joyous song today.
We also want to remember and appreciate the immense contributions of Archbishop Emeritus K. Sarpong, the Ghana Bishops’ Conference, our Pioneers, Elders and Missionaries, Our Cherished Friends, Partners and Volunteers, the NST, PSTs, DSTs, and LSTs, our hardworking, dedicated and committed staff, especially those of blessed memory, and in particular, Msgr. Songlindong and Madam Elizabeth Agyapong, (please, let’s observe some silence for them). May their souls, and the souls of all departed Renewal leaders and members, through the mercy of God, rest in perfect peace. Amen!
Without your support in diverse ways, this Centre will not have come this far.
“The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps 118:23-24)
Being in tune with the psalmist, we would like to say that this is what the Lord has done, let us be glad and rejoice with it.
May the Good and Gracious Lord continue to strengthen us to work towards the work of renewal and evangelisation in Ghana and beyond.
Take Glory Father, Take Glory Son, take Glory Holy Spirit. Amen! and Amen!
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bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: – News Portal