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After years of ministering around world Uebert Angel had an encounter with the Lord that changed not only the message he preached but the man himself.
Therefore, “I never called you to preach the works, but to preach what I used to preach in my earthly ministry, the gospel (Euagellion), news nearly too good to be true).”
Hence, this is one statement that God made to Uebert Angel that completely changed the way Uebert & BeBe Angel preached and taught the Good News of God’s Grace.
And thus began The Good News Movement.
But, the Good News of God’s Grace is the power of God that has the ability to empower every believer to live victoriously in life.
Sharing The Good News
This has further fuelled Uebert and BeBe’s passion to see souls come to the saving knowledge of Jesus around the world by bringing the revelation of the Good News of God’s Grace.
Uebert and BeBe Angel have become synonymous with miracles, healing, signs, wonders and accurate prophecies.
Prophet Uebert Angel – THE POWER & THE SPIRIT
Certainly, with a growing following worldwide The Good News Church (Spirit Embassy) has branches in the USA, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.
Taking The Good News Around The World
Apart from the numerous branches of The Good News Church (Spirit Embassy) Uebert and BeBe Angel are on a number of television channels reaching millions of homes across Europe, Africa and Asia.
Testimonies of healing, supernatural provision, lives impacted and transformed pour in from around the world every day.
The uncompromised message of the Good News Of God’s Grace (Euagellion) has liberated and transformed many lives through The Good News Conferences around the world.
The preaching of word is accompanied with the miracles, signs and wonders as with a prophetic edge. It is only what Jesus has done that qualifies us for the blessing of God.
Impacting The World Through Giving
Uebert and BeBe Angel also consider it a calling to meet not only the spiritual needs of the people but also their physical needs.
Uebert and BeBe are helping to change the lives of many in the poorest communities of society through the Uebert Angel Foundation.
Through this arm of their ministry they have built houses for the homeless, sponsor university students, feed the poor among many other activities.
“Our ministry is about bringing liberty, transformation and healing through the revelation of (Euagellion) The Good News of God’s Grace and the Prophetic.
It is only what Christ has done that qualifies for the promises of God and not works.”
Finally, if you believe in God’s grace and want to experience the same, you need to visit GoodNews Church. You will unlock a modified meaning of God’s grace through GoodNews Church.
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bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: – Churches News Portal