International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)
International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)
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The International Central Gospel Church – ICGC – is an Evangelical, Charismatic Christian Church. It was officially inaugurated as a church on the 26th of February 1984, in Accra, Ghana. The first meeting was held in a small classroom with an initial membership of just about twenty people. International Central Gospel Church was founded by Ghanaian theologian, Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil.

From February 1984 to April 1986, the membership grew to about one hundred and eighty (180) adults in regular attendance. The early meetings of the church were held in several facilities which included classrooms, a private residence, a public hall, a science laboratory, a mechanical workshop and a cinema theatre.

International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)
International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)

In May 1986, the church settled in a rented scout hall – the Baden Powell Memorial Hall – which became its home for the next ten years.

During this ten-year period, the membership rose to over 4,000. This period also saw aggressive missionary church planting activities with local assemblies established in almost all the major towns and cities of Ghana. Several other churches were also planted in cities in Europe and the United States.

The first congregation which was established in February 1984, now designated as the Christ Temple Assembly, has directly planted over forty other churches out of the original congregation in the Accra – Tema metropolis of Ghana alone.

In 1988, the ICGC established a ministerial institute to train a new generation of leaders to carry out its vision. From the initial six-month certificate in ministry, the college has developed into the premier private-owned University in Ghana known as the Central University College.

Again in 1988, the church instituted an educational scholarship scheme, known as Central Aid, to finance the education of selected needy students in pre-tertiary educational institutions. This scheme is now considered the largest non-governmental scholarship programme for students in pre-tertiary education in Ghana.

The International Central Gospel Church is a socially conscious Christian church which upholds the philosophy of Human dignity and Excellence. It engages in promoting and staging events whose impact have reached to the depths of the Ghanaian society and brought Christ to the doorsteps of the people.

Social responsibility
The church has made significant socially responsible contribution to Ghana. The Central University College, a privately owned co-ed tertiary educational institution, is owned by the church. It is currently the biggest private university in Ghana. In 1988, the church started a scholarship scheme called Central Aid to finance the education of selected needy students in pre-tertiary educational institutions. Central Aid is one of the largest non-governmental educational scholarship schemes in Ghana.
International Central Gospel Church Logo (Acts 2:41- 42)
This consists of the Globe with highlight on the African Continent. It has Four Pillars and an oval ring around it holding them together.

– The Globe represents the world and our focus to reach out internationally.
– The four pillars represent the main focus and devotion the early church was committed to namely: Doctrine, Prayer, Fellowship and Breaking of bread.

International Central Gospel Church Mission Statement
• Raising Leaders
• Shaping Vision
• Influencing Society through Christ

Through our programs, we trust to make the lives of our people better than before they came to Church, and redirect their perception and behaviour in conformity with God’s word. This attitude which is based on the word of God will transform the lives of people in their communities, work place, schools etc.

International Central Gospel Church Philosophy
• Practical Christianity
• Human Dignity
• Excellence

We believe Christianity is not a myth. God’s word preached must bring truths that can produce results when applied to one’s life.

Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and must be treated with respect and honour. Also, everything the Christian or the human being will do must be in excellent shape to the glory of God. (Daniel 5:12)

Vision of International Central Gospel Church – ICGC (Acts 2:42)
To establish the house of God through the development of Model New Testament Christians and churches.

That is, we have the commitment to train and equip God’s people who come to our church to develop and grow into maturity in Christ so they will manifest the character of Christ.

 International Central Gospel Church was founded by Ghanaian theologian, Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil
International Central Gospel Church was founded by Ghanaian theologian, Pastor Dr. Mensa Otabil



We invite you to join us in worship and fellowship this and every Sunday during any of our two services.

The first service is from 7.30am-9.30am, while the second service starts from 10.00am-12.00noon.


Join us this and every Tuesday Evening for a life transforming Service from 6.00pm-8.00pm. Come with an expectation to receive from the Lord.


We devote the last Tuesday Evening of every month to meet at the Lord’s Table for life transforming COMMUNION SERVICE.(6.00pm-8.00pm)

We do it as a reminder of Christ’s death and in obedience to the Ordinance Jesus Christ gave to the Church according to the Bible. (1Cor. 11:23-33, Matt.26:26-29)

By faith, we eat the bread and drink the wine as symbols of the body and the blood of Christ, out of which we receive strength to overcome, new life to rise, healing for the body and redemption from sin.

It also shows the bond of fellowship amongst believers and in anticipation of Christ’s second coming.

You are invited to be part if you have received Jesus as Lord and Personal Saviour. We encourage you to pray, fast and prepare for a time of fellowship with the Lord during this moment. Time: 6:00pm


You are encouraged to fully participate in the service. Join the congregation to sing praises to God in fellowship as well as worship Him. Worship also creates the opportunity for God to be exalted among His people and prepares your heart ready to receive the word of God.


This is an integral part of our service. We believe prayer works; therefore we spend this time before God praying for our Nation, Congregation, specific needs as well as personal requests, trusting on God’s faithfulness for the answers.


The Bible is the infallible Word of God which gives abundant life. It is preached to instruct, inspire and motivate you to identify and develop your full potential in Christ.

As you practice the rich Word of God daily, you receive the favour and strength from God to live a victorious Christian life.


After preaching, the Pastor will invite to the Altar and pray for people who want to give their lives to Jesus and receive Him into their heart as Lord and Personal Saviour. Join them when you are convinced you need salvation from sin.


Before the benediction, all those visiting the church for the first time will be asked by the Pastor to rise up for the congregation to welcome them.

Visitors cards will be issued to invite them to our Visitors Reception at the fellowship area, during which our specially trained Hosts and Hostesses will interact with them.

You may be one of the valued visitors so we encourage you to respond to this invitation.


The tithe belongs to God. Tithing is the act of giving a tenth of all your increase (income) to God in His house. By this you recognize God first in your life, the source of your wealth as well as your obedience and faithfulness to His command.

Therefore, on the first Sunday of every month, we bring the tithe/first fruit to the house of God, trusting on His Word to rebuke the devourer and bless us abundantly according to the Bible. (Prov.3:9-10)

Don’t miss this great opportunity for God’s blessing by honouring the Lord with the portion that belongs to Him.

Statement of Faith
We believe… that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe… in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, and in His bodily resurrection.

We believe… the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God.

We believe… in salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe… in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as a subsequent gift to salvation.

We believe… in the provision of bodily healing in the atoning work of Jesus our Saviour.

We believe… in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the saved and the lost; the saved unto eternal life, living eternally in the presence of God, and the unsaved unto eternal damnation.

The International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) is an evangelical, Charismatic Christian church.
Physical Address:
69 Ring Road West, Accra, Ghana
Telephone: +233 302 688000 – 4
Fax: +233 302 688007
Help Line: +233 302 679 748 / 9

Postal Address:
International Central Gospel
Church (Christ Temple),
Post Office Box AN 7933,
Accra – North, Ghana.

ICGC Email Address

General Information:



Central Aid:

International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)
International Central Gospel Church (ICGC)

Source: – Ghana Churches News Portal

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