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Unwashed statement reaching shows that, Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi of Glorious Wave International has dropped another bombshell.
From analyst, “I see so many people leave marriages because they believe better relationships are “out” there. In most cases, these people start new relationships and end them the same way the previous relationship ended. The problem isn’t your circumstances. The problem is you. You don’t find your soul-mate, you create your soul-mate through hard work”. Many people are looking for a better church to attend but…
As the church of God is living in the eschatological age, we need to watch out and know whom to follow. Money and big church or big names shouldn’t be the source of direction but let Holy Spirit, Ruach Hako’desh take you through.
Always remember one thing in life, no matter how great you become, you will one day die but ask yourself, where will you go?. We are fed, daily, the hopeful news but…
So in order for a christian to win eternity or unending time, you must lose this earthly entertainment. You can escape all but there is one thing you can’t escape, that is death.
According to analyst, the Founder of Glorious Wave International, Prophet Badu Kobi who is known to have a special grip for Ghanaian celebrities, said Christians should learn to accept changes.
Prophet Badu Kobi and some of his Pastors were dancing to Ebony’s sponsor and he encourages Ghanaian Christians to feel free to enjoy such music and other songs like “Bronya” by Wutah. For him, there is nothing wrong with such music.
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Source: – The Goodness News Portal