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Apostle Thomas Carlos Gyamfi is a Revivalist Evangelist with deep Prophetic-Apostolic Missionary work across the globe.
Thomas Gyamfi actually walks in the area of practical theology that investigates the mandate, message, and mission of the Christian church, especially the nature of missionary. And these has taken him to many nations of the world.
Hence, Missiologist Thomas Carlos Gyamfi with missiology manadate to the world, has brought salvation into many homes through the power of Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
Thomas and Olga are the leaders and founder of Faith Gospel messenger Mission International, they will take you through mission shift.
God “desires all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4) and together with assured that people from “every tribe and language and people and nation” will be present in heaven (Rev 5:9).
As you join missiologist Apostle Thomas Carlos Gyamfi, you will be driven by this gospel mission.
Rev Thomas Carlos Gyamfi is a Citizen of Ghana, Rev Thomas Carlos has been called, commissioned and sent by God to make known the gospel to the world.
He is an anointed Bible teacher and apostle with a unique gift of imparting the Word of God clearly, bringing many souls into the Kingdom of God and effecting spiritual change and growth in the lives of beleivers.
He is the founder of “Faith Gospel Messenger Mission International.”
Rev Thomas Carlos Gyamfi known in many parts of the world as the Apostle of Strategic Prayer, Rev Thomas The Prayer Summits bring revivals to international cities through the power of corporate, intercessory and prophetic prayer.
Rev Thomas Carlos Gyamfi is Anointed in the ministry of prayer, healing, deliverance and the prophetic, he also serves as Minister To many Pastors and Leaders.
Rev Thomas Carlos Gyamfi has been missionary to countries such as Fiji Island, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, New caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Malayia, Indonesia, philipines, Singapore, Russia, Lebanon and West Africa
Rev Thomas Carlos and His Precious wife Olga travel together speaker in Seminars, Crusades, and Prophetic meetings and healing and Revival meetings across the nations.

They are proud Parents of Daniel and Joy.
Rev Thomas Carlos Missionary To Indonesia, Rev Thomas Carlos is working with Chrismatic and Pentecostal churches across the nation of papua Indonesia.
Rev Thomas believes that Living for, and Serving Jesus is very exciting indeed, and we invite you to seek Him while He may be found.
The best is yet to come for those who will believe the promises of God.
To evangelise the nations to bring people to the light of Christ.
To teach all people to become disciples of Christ.
To equip all believers that they may become mature in their faith and able to go into the world in response to the Great Commission as evangelists and apostles of the Lord. mathew 28;18-20

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bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: – Churches in Ghana News Portal